
This Website, https://beautiful-budget.com, is authored and managed by Rachel Rivera and is for educational/informational purposes only. Any content is based on the author’s own opinions and is not intended to replace specific advice regarding investments or other financial decisions.

Nothing on this Website or blog represents investment advice, performance data, or recommendations regarding securities.


I previously worked in the Information Technology field. Though I have received (and still pursue) financial planning education, I am not a certified financial planner nor do I have certified financial services industry training. I am not held responsible for errors or omissions, and your use of the Website and products offered implies you agree to use your own sound judgment or that of a professional. Your results are your responsibility.

Income Sources

I occasionally share links to Amazon products which may generate affiliate income. These links are provided at no cost to you.

I may partner with brands and services to provide information or promotional offers to Beautiful Budget readers. These partnerships may be paid or unpaid, but all are based on my sincere trust of the brand or service at the time of partnership. All opinions are my own.


By using my Website, you agree to all portions of this disclaimer. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at contact@beautiful-budget.com.