Regain control of your finances and unlock your first $5,000 in savings!
Ease in with a line-by-line breakdown of your paystubs. We'll dive into taxes, deductions, employer-sponsored retirement plan contributions, and more.
Take inventory of your checking, savings, credit card, and other debt accounts held by all stakeholders of your budget. Use their balances to calculate the most important figure in assessing your financial health.
Learn where your money actually went over the last 30 days, and categorize transactions to determine your strengths and areas for improvement.
Eliminate redundancy/things you don't need or use, and downgrade where it makes sense.
Create a realistic budget with the information you've gathered in the challenge, and reveal the first $5,000 ready to be directed towards YOUR financial goals and fulfillment!
Budget Coach | Planner Designer | Content Creator | Your Challenge Instructor
In 2016, I found myself at financial rock bottom. Living paycheck to paycheck, swimming in debt, spending like nothing was wrong, and even paying alimony to my ex-husband.
I threw away my old meaningless budget spreadsheet and committed to a better future. I started budgeting with intention, and everything changed.
When I realized how much money I could be saving, investing, directing to things I loved…I was floored. Thousands of dollars were now going to answer to ME, not the other way around. I went from broke divorcée to millionaire-in-the-making.
Since then, EVERY SINGLE BUDGET I’ve written for a client or for anonymous budget walk-throughs to be posted on social media… the same thing has happened. “Missing” money reveals itself. I’m here to help you locate those dollars and start multi-tasking them to build wealth YOUR way. It’s time to stop stressing over money and start LIVING!
This challenge is designed for working individuals/couples who do not currently have a budget but are eager to learn where their money is going and how much discretionary income they have.
You’ll receive a welcome message and the first day’s material! No time to waste here; there’s money to find!
Your day 1 message will include a download link for a helpful workbook to use throughout the challenge!
The challenge is spread across 5 days (holidays/weekends included), and each day’s exercises are designed to take 30-60 minutes to complete. Expense History (day 3) is the most involved task of the challenge.
For couples/families, however, the exercises may take longer as there will likely be more income sources, accounts, and additional expense history to record. Additional time is also expected for those who do not have any prior experience with budgeting or monitoring spending.
One e-mail is sent per day throughout the challenge, so you won’t be able to work ahead. The challenge is methodically designed with a comfortable pace in mind, as each day has a task or a bit of homework. It’s important to do this right, not do it fast!
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