I have two supreme passions in life: teaching and money. Welcome to the intersection of those passions. What was once a baby finance/fashion/food blog (clearly I was a little all over the place haha) has become a thriving community of driven women all around the world – committed to a brighter financial future.

The teachings you’ll find within Rae Michelle Planners are the culmination of several fiascoes (and successes, but certainly more fiascoes) in my financial history. Credit card debt, alimony, the purchase of a brand new car at just the WRONG time – these scratch the surface. I learned the power of a strong work ethic from my Mama, but unfortunately I lacked guidance on just what to do with my hard-earned cash. (I didn’t go seeking such guidance either. Gulp.)
I reached the inevitable dead end just before my 25th birthday. Several years defined by carelessly spending and borrowing thousands had finally caught up to me. And when disaster (read: divorce) struck, I found myself in a fierce storm and knew I needed to make a change.
The answers were out there, but I couldn’t afford to wait for them to come to me. I needed to act.
I started telling my money exactly where to go; not a single dime was left to chance. Frivolity quickly lost its luster. I kept at it and kept at it. My husband beside me and my budget always at my fingertips, things started to look up – and fast. In the span of three and a half years, we crushed ALL credit card and student loan debt, funded a $35K wedding and $7K honeymoon in cash, built a five-figure retirement fund and reached four figures in investments for our children’s futures.
In 2021, we built and purchased our dream home. We currently have a six-figure net worth.
Ordinary people doing extraordinary things…and I’m here to help you do the same.
My budgeting framework is unlike anything out there. It’s called The 8-Part Budget™, and it’s at the heart of Rae Michelle Planners. I can’t wait to tell you more about it!
It’s important to remember, no one is perfect. I am still course-correcting and learning, and because you’re on this site, you likely are too. Let’s give ourselves grace and enjoy the journey together – dollar by dollar, month by month, year by year. Beautiful todays and radiant tomorrows – I’m grateful that you’re joining me. 🙂